Get your personalized estimate and advice at no cost to you from our professional moving consultants. Because each move is unique we want to make sure we provide you with the most accurate pricing based on the size of your move and your specific needs.
Moving Hourly Rates
Our local moving and packing rates are hourly based with 15 minutes increment and a 3 hours minimum charge policy in case your move takes less then 3 hours of the total time (including the travel time).
Hourly rates include movers, all equipped truck, gas, tolls, mileage, basic insurance and do not carry any hidden charges or fees.
Up to 1 hour of travel time and minimum of 40 minutes is applied to all jobs in the Greater Boston area (20 minutes for our movers to get to your address from our office plus 20 minutes to get back to our base when the move is finished).
Flat Rate Moving
Is based upon the mileage from the origin to the destination, and the cubic footage of your belongings.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Sunday 9am to 6pm.
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